Πυροσβέστες χρησιμοποιούν Drone στις διασώσεις

Πυροσβέστες χρησιμοποιούν Drone σε επιχείρηση διάσωσης για να εντοπίσουν δύο νεαρούς που κινδύνευαν σε ποταμό στην πόλη Mechanic Falls στο Maine.

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The AFD responded to assist Mechanic Falls with a swift water rescue. Also on location was the Poland FD, Oxford FD, Maine Game Wardens, Mechanic Falls PD and Androscoggin County Sheriffs Dept. Two young people had become trapped on a rock in the middle the river while trying to tube in the high water. One had a life jacket, the other did not. As rescue lines were set up down stream and a haul system was configured to allow for an inflatable rescue boat to be placed into the water to effect rescue of the two trapped young men, the AFD utilized a drone to fly out a tag line to the young man with no life jacket. He was instructed in how to untie the line from the drone and then pull a life jacket to him. You can see him doing so in this video. This technical rescue went very well and is an excellent example of inter agency cooperation and the benefits of training for these demanding events.
Posted by Auburn Fire Department on Τρίτη, 30 Ιουνίου 2015

Το drone εντόπισε τους δύο νεαρούς, διαπιστώθηκε ότι ο ένας δεν είχε σωσίβιο, δέθηκε σωσίβιο στο drone και δόθηκε στον νεαρό, μέχρι να φτάσουν στο σημείο οι διασώστες.

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